Non-Profit organizations and groups may use the library's three meeting rooms for meetings and activities. Rooms are to be reserved in advance and are made available on a "first-come-first-served" basis. Applications for use are available at the Circulation Desk. No fee is charged but donations are welcomed. The Linda Veirs conference room can seat up to 35 people. It has an adjoining kitchenette, a large screen with projection capabilities for both movies (DVD player) and computer presentations as well as surround sound and room microphones for online meetings. Can be used after hours.

The small conference room can seat up to eight comfortably. It has a dry erase board mounted on the wall. Can be used after hours. The small conference room also has a smart tv with a computer for online meetings or screen mirroring.

The children's program room can seat up to twelve. The room closes when the library closes.
Please review our Meeting Room Use Policy.